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Pathological Sector


The private clinic Doctors’ General Clinic at the centre of Athens has established a modern and effective Endocrinology Department, which focuses on the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of endocrine system disorders. The endocrine system (which is responsible for reproduction, metabolism, and extracellular fluid composition control) includes the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, pancreas, ovaries, testicles, adrenal glands, pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Disorders of this system may harm the heart and vessels, sugar and lipid metabolism, children and adolescents development, men and women reproductive ability, normal menstruation, skin, bones, etc. The disorders treated by the Endocrinology Department of Doctors’ General Clinic are:


Thyroid gland disorders


Diabetes Mellitus


Metabolic disorders – Obesity


Calcium Disorders – Osteoporosis


Menstruation disorders


Acne – Hirsutism – Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome




Hypothalamus – Hypophysis – Adrenal glands disorders


Adolescence-related disorders (early or delayed)


Physical development disorders (body height)
