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Immunology & Infectious Diseases

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Pathological Sector

Immunology & Infectious Diseases

The Infectious Diseases Department of the clinic , deals with the investigation, diagnosis and treatment of all cases of Internal Pathology, both during the hospitalization of patients in the hospital and after discharge, with monitoring by the Regular Outpatient Clinics. With excellent scientific training, our experienced staff, under the supervision of expert infectious disease specialists, undertake the treatment of both common, specific and rare infections in immunocompromised or immunocompromised patients. Particular emphasis is placed on the treatment of infections caused by multi-resistant microbes after all types of surgery (general surgery, orthopaedic, ENT or gynaecological surgery).


Skin and soft tissue infections


Respiratory infections (severe pneumonia, recurrent or specific pathogens, such as tuberculosis)


Urinary tract infections (recurrent or complicated cystitis, pyelonephritis)


Bone and joint infections (osteomyelitis or arthritis with or without orthopaedic prosthesis, in patients with diabetes mellitus, etc.)


Sexually transmitted diseases


Post-operative infections


Infections of intravascular prostheses (cardiac valves or vascular grafts)


Skin and soft tissue infections


Genital system infections (mastitis, recurrent vaginitis, acute and chronic prostatitis, etc.)


Infections of immunosuppressed patients (transplant or oncology patients, chronic use of corticosteroids, treatment with biological agents, etc.)


Chronic furunculosis, purulent idradenitis, onychomycosis, etc.


Infections during pregnancy


Special infections, such as salmonella, brucella, tuberculosis, malaria, leishmaniasis, etc.


Prolonged or recurrent fever


Viral infections, such as influenza, varicella, herpes zoster, infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, mumps, rubella, measles, parvoviruses, viral gastroenteritis, etc.

